HTC Vive Virtual Reality Porn

How to Use Your HTC Vive to Watch Virtual Reality Porn on Yougoggle:
- Find the video that you are wanting to watch
- Click the “Download Options” button that should be in the dropdown link underneath the player
- Select “Preview: All Devices” to download.
- Use virtual reality video player programs such as Whirligig to view the video.
VR Porn Videos for your HTC Vive
VR Porn Videos for your HTC Vive
The HTC smartphone designer has been teaming up with the online gaming tycoon SteamVR in order to bring the newest innovative 3D virtual reality devices and experiences to people. The all new HTC Vive virtual reality headset will be using “room scale” technology to bring any room to life in 3D.
The users will be able to freely interact with the environment. This includes walking around, manipulating objects and communicating all in virtual reality for the most immersive VR experience possible. In the adult entertainment aspect this means that the girls will now be able to provocatively talk the viewer into interacting with them in several different ways for an all new type of porn experience.
Technical Specifications for the HTC Vive Headset
The HTC Vive virtual reality headset has a refresh rate of 90 Hz which is impressive. Streaming virtual reality porn videos will be smooth and the motions will be true to reality thanks to the impressive technology being used. There are two 1080x1200 resolution screens in the virtual reality device which is important for providing an enhanced 3D aspect.
There is no blurriness or difficult focusing so that the user is able to concentrate on the experience right in front of them. The HTC Vive headset uses more than 70 different sensors as well as laser position sensors, a state of the art MEMS gyroscope, and an accelerometer in order to map the user’s location within the virtual area.
In order to make the experience as immersive as possible and allow great range of movement the headset uses two different “lighthouse” bases that track movement to the millimeter within a 15x15 feet space. These units sweep the area with lasers in order to negate any occlusion issues and to measure the size as well as locations of any objects within the area.
The built in front facing camera detects any movement or stationary objects in order to help with triangulating position. This is called the “Chaperone” system and can guide users around obstacles or warn of intrusions such as someone walking into the room. This can help with privacy if the system is being used for adult entertainment purposes.